The Louisiana Children's Code (Article 610) specifies that mandated reporters shall make reports immediately upon learning of incidents of child abuse or neglect. If you have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is being or has been abused by anyone, please do the following.
If abuse is within the home or by a Licensed Daycare Staff:
LA Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
1-855-452-5437 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Resources available on the DCFS website:
Call local Police or Sheriff’s Department
Lafourche Parish: (985) 446-2255
St. Mary’s Parish (337) 828-1960
Terrebonne Parish: (985) 876-2500
Jefferson Parish: (504) 364-5300
If the accused is a priest, deacon, religious brother or sister, seminarian, employee or volunteer of a Diocesan Office, Catholic school, or Church parish in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, call the Outreach Line (985) 873-0026 or the Victims' Assistance Coordinator, Sister Carmelita, (985) 850-3172 after it has been reported to the local police or Sheriff's Department.
In response to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux is offering an Outreach Line . The Outreach Line is an effort to continue the diocesan commitment to support healing for people who have been hurt or sexually abused recently or in the past by Clergy (Priest, Deacon, Religious Brother or Sister or Seminarian), Employee, Volunteer in a Catholic school or Church parish in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. Call the Outreach line or the Victims' Assistance Coordinator after it has been reported to the local police or Sheriff's Department.
Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Outreach Line: (985) 873-0026
Victims Assistance Coordinator: (985) 850-3172
Our Victims' Assistance Coordinator is Sister Carmelita Centanni, M.S.C., Ph.D. Sister Carmelita is a religious Sister of the Marianites of Holy Cross. Sister Carmelita is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Before joining the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, she served in the Archdiocese of New Orleans where she also served as the Victims' Assistance Coordinator. Sister Carmelita has over 30 years of counseling experience, as well as 16 years as a Victims' Assistance Coordinator. You may reach Sister Carmelita directly at 985.850.3172 or by email at [email protected].